Deep Gaussian Process for Enhanced Bayesian Optimization and its Application in Additive Manufacturing , R. Gnanasambandam, B. Shen, A.C.C. Law, C. Dou, and Z.J. Kong, IISE Transactions (in press), pp. 1-21 (2024) , (2024)
Strategies for metallic powder reuse in powder bed fusion: A review , J. H. Warner, S. P. Ringer, G. Proust ,Vol. 110, pp. 263-290 , (2024)
Correlation of microstructure, mechanical properties, and residual stress of 17-4 PH stainless steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion , 3. M. S. Moyle, N. Haghdadi, V. Luzin, F. Salvemini, X. Z. Liao, S. P. Ringer, S. Primig, accepted for publication (2024) - Q4
Thermal cycle induced solid-state phase evolution in IN718 during additive manufacturing: A Gleeble study , 4. N. K. Adomako, N. Haghdadi, X. Z. Liao, S. P. Ringer, S. Primig, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol. 976, pp. 173181, (2024) - Q3 , (2024)
Site-specific Cu clustering and precipitation in laser powder-bed fusion 17–4 PH stainless steel , Michael P Haines, Maxwell S Moyle, Vitor V Rielli, Nima Haghdadi *, Sophie Primig * , Vol 241, p. 115891 , (2024)
Grain boundary network evolution in electron-beam powder bed fusion nickel-based superalloy Inconel 738 , Ming Luo a, Xiaozhou Liao b,c, Simon P. Ringer b,c, Sophie Primig a,*, Nima Haghdadi, Vol 972, p. 172811 , (2024)
Analysis of the high cracking resistance of a Co Ni superalloy during laser additive manufacturing , James Lamba,∗, Kira M. Puscha, Andrew T. Polonskyb, Stéphane A.J. Forsikc, Ning Zhouc, Austin D. Dicusc, Remco Geurtsd, McLean P. Echlina, Tresa M. Pollocka, Vol 239, p. 115770 , (2024)
Quantification of melt pool dynamics and microstructure during simulated additive manufacturing, , J. Lamb, R. Ochoa, A. Eres-Castellanos, J. Klemm-Toole, M.P. Echlin, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, A. Clarke, T. Pollock, , (Scripta Materialia, (minor revisions), (2024) )
Strong and ductile titanium–oxygen–iron alloys by additive manufacturing , Tingting Song, Zibin Chen, Xiangyuan Cui, Shenglu Lu, Hansheng Chen, Hao Wang, Tony Dong, Bailiang Qin, Kang Cheung Chan, Milan Brandt, Xiaozhou Liao, Simon P. Ringer & Ma Qian , Vol 618, p. 63–68 , (2023)
Understanding the Effect of Electron Beam Melting Scanning Strategies on the Aluminum Content and Materials State of Single Ti-6Al-4V Feedstock , Katie O’Donnell ,2,3 , Maria J. Quintana 1 and Peter C. Collins 1,2, Materials 2023, 16(19), 6366 , (2023)
Using defects as a ‘fossil record’ to help interpret complex processes during additive manufacturing: as applied to raster-scanned electron beam powder bed additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V , K.O’Donnell, M.J.Quintana, M.J.Kenney, P.C.Collins, Journal of Materials Science, 2023.08.27, 58, 13398–1342 , (Using defects as a ‘fossil record’ to help interpret complex processes during additive manufacturing: as applied to raster-scanned electron beam powder bed additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V)
Predicting solid-state phase transformations during metal additive manufacturing: A case study on electron-beam powder bed fusion of Inconel-738 , Nana Kwabena Adomako a, Nima Haghdadi a, James F.L. Dingle b c, Ernst Kozeschnik d, Xiaozhou Liao b c, Simon P. Ringer b c, Sophie Primig, Vol 76, p. 103771 , (2023)
Experimental and computational analysis of site-specific formation of phases in laser powder bed fusion 17–4 precipitate hardened stainless steel , Michael P. Haines a, Maxwell S. Moyle a, Vitor V. Rielli a, Vladimir Luzin b c, Nima Haghdadi a, Sophie Primig, Vol 73, p. 103686 , (2023)
Self-Scalable Tanh (Stan): Multi-Scale Solutions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks , Raghav Gnanasambandam , Bo Shen , Student Member, IEEE, Jihoon Chung , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Xubo Yue , and Zhenyu Kong , Senior Member, IEEE, VOL 45, No.12 , (2023)
Anomaly detection in additive manufacturing processes using supervised classification with imbalanced sensor data based on generative adversarial network , Jihoon Chung, Bo Shen,Zhenyu James Kong, , (2023)
Active defect discovery: A human-in-the-loop learning method , Bo Shen & Zhenyu (James) Kong, Pages 638-651 , (2023)
Morphological stability of solid-liquid interfaces under additive manufacturing conditions , Damien Tourret , Jonah Klemm-Toole , Adriana Eres Castellanos , Brian Rodgers , Gus Becker , Alec Saville , Ben Ellyson , Chloe Johnson , Brian Milligan , John Copley , Ruben Ochoa , Andrew Polonsky , Kira Pusch , Michael Haines , Kamel Fezzaa , Tao Sun , Kester Clarke , Suresh Babu , Tresa Pollock , Alain Karma , Amy Clarke , Vol 250, p. 118858 , (2023)
Phosphorus and transition metal co-segregation in ferritic iron grain boundaries and its effects on cohesion , Han Lin Mai , Xiang-Yuan Cui , Daniel Scheiber , Lorenz Romaner , Simon P. Ringer , Vol 250, 118850 , (2023)
Heat treatment for metal additive manufacturing , Majid Laleh , Esmaeil Sadeghi, Reynier I. Revilla , Qi Chao , Nima Haghdadi , Anthony E. Hughes , Wei Xu , Iris De Graeve , Ma Qian , Ian Gibson , Mike Y. Tan, Vol 133, p. 101051 , (2023)
Focused Ion Beam induced hydride formation does not affect Fe, Ni, Cr-clusters in irradiated Zircaloy-2 , David Mayweg , Johan Eriksson , Olof Bäcke , Andrew J. Breen, Mattias Thuvander, Vol 581, p. 154444 , (2023)
Revealing latent pole and zone line information in atom probe detector maps using crystallographically correlated metrics , A.J. Breen, A.C. Day, B. Lim, W.J. Davids, S.P. Ringer ,Vol 243, p. 113640 , (2023)
Real-time process monitoring and closed-loop control on laser power via a customized laser powder bed fusion platform , Rongxuan Wang , Benjamin Standfield , Chaoran Dou , Andrew C. Law , Zhenyu James Kong , Vol 66, p. 103449 , (2023)
On the interplay of internal voids, mechanical properties, and residual stresses in additively manufactured Haynes 282 , Bryan Lim , Keita Nomoto , Amy J. Clarke , Sudarsanam Suresh Babu , Sophie Primig , Xiaozhou Liao , Andrew J. Breen , Simon P. Ringer , Vol 75, p.103749 , (2023)
Robust Tensor Decomposition Based Background/Foreground Separation in Noisy Videos and Its Applications in Additive Manufacturing , Bo Shen; Rakesh R. Kamath; Hahn Choo; Zhenyu Kong, Vol 20, Issue: 1, p 583 - 596 , (2023)
Introducing C phase in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: A new oxygen-stabilized face-centred cubic solid solution with improved mechanical properties , H. Wang , Q. Chao , X.Y. Cui , Z.B. Chen , A.J. Breen , M. Cabral , N. Haghdadi , Q.W. Huang , R.M. Niu , H.S. Chen , B. Lim , S. Primig , M. Brandt , W. Xu , S.P. Ringer , X.Z. Liao, Vol61, p. 11-21 , (2022)
Electron and laser-based additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloys: A review of heterogeneities in microstructure and mechanical properties , Nana Kwabena Adomako, Nima Haghdadi, Sophie Primig, Vol 223, p. 111245 , (2022)
Additively manufactured Haynes-282 monoliths containing thin wall struts of varying thicknesses , Bryan Lim , Hansheng Chen , Keita Nomoto , Zibin Chen , Alec I. Saville , Sven Vogel , Amy J. Clarke , Anna Paradowska , Mark Reid , Sophie Primig , Xiaozhou Liao , Sudarsanam Suresh Babu , Andrew J. Breen , Simon P. Ringer, Vol 59, Part A, p. 103120 , (2022)
Powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of Ni-based superalloys: a review of the main microstructural constituents and characterization techniques , Michael P. Haines, Vitor V. Rielli, Sophie Primig & Nima Haghdadi, Vol 57, p. 14135–14187 , (2022)
Intergranular precipitation and chemical fluctuations in an additively manufactured 2205 duplex stainless steel , Nima Haghdadi a, Hansheng Chen b, Zibin Chen c, Sudarsanam S. Babu d e, Xiaozhou Liao b, Simon P. Ringer b, Sophie Primig ,Vol 219, p. 114894 , (2022)
JOURNAL ARTICLE High Throughput Characterization to Quantify Microstructural Heterogeneities in Additively Manufactured Haynes 282 , Avantika Gupta, Sriram Vijayan, Olivia Schmid, Joerg Jinschek, Carolin Fink, Vol 28, Issue S1, 1 , p. 2088–2090 , (2022)
In situ TEM Observations of Thermally Activated Phenomena in Materials Under Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions , Sriram Vijayan, Kaustubh Bawane, Fidelma Giulia Dilemma, Lingfeng He, Carolin Fink, Joerg R Jinschek, Vol 28, Issue S1, p. 1844–1846 , (2022)
Gamma Prime Characterization in Additively Manufactured Haynes 282 after One-Step and Two-Step Post-Process Heat Treatments , Alivia Mourot, Avantika Gupta, Sriram Vijayan, Joerg Jinschek, Carolin Fink, Vol 29, Issue Supplement_1, p. 1421–1422 , (2023)
Microstructural and Mechanical Property Differences Resulting from Melt Pool Interactions with the Electron Beam Chamber Environment , Katie O’Donnell, Maria J Quintana, Peter C Collins, Vol 29, Issue Supplement_1, p. 1423–1425 , (2023)
Heterogeneity and Solidification Pathways in Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steels , Amy J. Godfrey, J. Simpson, D. Leonard, K. Sisco, R. R. Dehoff & S. S. Babu , Vol 53, p. 3321–3340 , (2022)
On the high-temperature stability of the Al8Cu3Ce intermetallic in an additively manufactured Al-Cu-Ce-Zr alloy , F. Theska, Y. Yang, K.D. Sisco, A. Plotkowski, S. Primig, Vol 191, p. 112109 , (2022)
Evidence of in-situ Cu clustering as a function of laser power during laser powder bed fusion of 17–4 PH stainless steel , M.S. Moyle, N. Haghdadi, W.J. Davids, X.Z. Liao, S.P. Ringer , S. Primig , volume 219, p. 114896 , (2022)
Formation of a transition V-rich structure during the α' to α + β phase transformation process in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V , H. Wang , Q. Chao , H.S. Chen , Z.B. Chen , S. Primig , W. Xu , S.P. Ringer , X.Z. Liao , Volume 235, 15, p. 118104 , (2022)
A Comparison of Statistically Equivalent and Realistic Microstructural Representative Volume Elements for Crystal Plasticity Models , Fatemeh Azhari, William Davids, Hansheng Chen, Simon P. Ringer, Chris Wallbrink, Zoran Sterjovski, Bruce R. Crawford, Dylan Agius, Chun H. Wang & Graham Schaffer .Volume 11, p.214–229 , (2022)
Exploration of atom probe tomography at sub-10K , Alec C. Day, Andrew J. Breen , David A. Reinhard , Thomas F. Kelly , Simon P. Ringer , Vol 241, p. 113595 , (2022)
Toward online layer-wise surface morphology measurement in additive manufacturing using a deep learning-based approach , Chenang Liu, Rongxuan Raphael Wang, Ian Ho, Zhenyu James Kong, Christopher Williams, Suresh Babu & Chase Joslin , Vol 34, p. 2673–2689 , (2023)
A Perspective of The Needs and Opportunities for Coupling Materials Science and Nondestructive Evaluation for Metals-Based Additive Manufacturing , MJ Quintana, Y Ji, PC Collins , (2022)
Preface to the special issue: microstructure design in metal additive manufacturing—physical metallurgy revisited , Jörg Jinschek, Sophie Primig & Gwénaëlle Proust , Vol 57, p.9525–9526 , (2022)
Quantification of extreme thermal gradients during in situ transmission electron microscope heating experiments , Sriram Vijayan, Rongxuan Wang, Zhenyu Kong, Joerg R. Jinschek , (2021)
A Framework for the Optimal Selection of High-Throughput Data Collection Workflows by Autonomous Experimentation Systems , Rohan Casukhela, Sriram Vijayan, Joerg R. Jinschek & Stephen R. Niezgoda, Vol 11, p. 557–567 , (2022)
Single crystal elastic constants of additively manufactured components determined by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy , Jeff Rossin, Patrick Leser , Kira Pusch , Carolina Frey , Sven C. Vogel , Alec I. Saville , Chris Torbet , Amy J. Clarke , Samantha Daly , Tresa M. Pollock, Volume 192, p. 112244 , (2022)
Schmid factor crack propagation and tracking crystallographic texture markers of microstructural condition in direct energy deposition additive manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V , 46. A.I. Saville, J.T. Benzing, S.C. Vogel, J. Bruckner, C. Donohoue, A.B. Kustas, A. Creuziger, K.D. Clarke, A.J. Clarke, Additive Manufacturing, 2022.10, 58:103023 , (2022)
Lifelike metallic structures using origami and compliant mechanisms , Vanshika Singh b, S.S. Babu a b, M.M. Kirka a, Vol 34, p. 34-37 , (2022)
In situ melt pool measurements for laser powder bed fusion using multi sensing and correlation analysis , Rongxuan Wang, David Garcia, Rakesh R. Kamath, Chaoran Dou, Xiaohan Ma, Bo Shen, Hahn Choo, Kamel Fezzaa, Hang Z. Yu & Zhenyu (James) Kong , Sci Rep 12, 13716 , (2022)
In Situ X-ray Radiography and Computational Modeling to Predict Grain Morphology in β-Titanium during Simulated Additive Manufacturing , Chris Jasien , ORCID,Alec Saville ,Chandler Gus Becker ,Jonah Klemm-Toole ,Kamel Fezzaa ,Tao Sun ,Tresa Pollock and Amy J. Clarke , Metals 2022, 12(7), 1217 , (2022)
Smooth Robust Tensor Completion for Background/Foreground Separation with Missing Pixels: Novel Algorithm with Convergence Guarantee , Bo Shen, Weijun Xie, Zhenyu (James) Kong, Submitted 4/22; Revised 6/22; Published 7/22 , (2022)
Super Resolution for Multi-Sources Image Stream Data Using Smooth and Sparse Tensor Completion and Its Applications in Data Acquisition of Additive Manufacturing, Technometrics , B. Shen, R. Wang, A.C.C. Law, R. Kamath, H. Choo, and Z.J. Kong, Vol. 64(1), pp. 2-17 , (2022)
Atomic-Scale Analytical Tomography: Concepts and Implications , T.F. Kelly, B.P. Gorman, and S.P. Ringer, , (2022)
Correlation between precipitates evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Sc-Zr alloy with Er additions , Li Liu , Jian-Tang Jiang, Xiang-Yuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Liang Zhen, Simon P. Ringer , Volume 99, p. 61-72 , (2022)
On the microstructure and texture evolution in 17-4 PH stainless steel during laser powder bed fusion: Towards textural design , M.S. Moyle a, N. Haghdadi a, X.Z. Liao b c, S.P. Ringer b c, S. Primig, Vol 117,p. 183-195 , (2022)
Measuring oxygen solubility in Ni grains and boundaries after oxidation using atom probe tomography , J.D. Poplawsky, R. Pillai, Q.Q. Ren, A.J. Breen, B. Gault, and M.P. Brady, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 210 , (2022)
Multi-task Gaussian process upper confidence bound for hyperparameter tuning and its application for simulation studies of additive manufacturing , B. Shen, R. Gnanasambandam, R. Wang, and Z.J. Kong, IISE Transactions, Vol. 10.1080/24725854.2022.2039813, pp. 1-13 , (2022)
Robust Tensor Decomposition Based Background/Foreground Separation in Noisy Videos and Its Applications in Additive Manufacturing , B. Shen, R.R. Kamath, H. Choo, and Z. Kong, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 10.1109/TASE.2022.3163674, pp. 1-14, , (2022)
Electron Microscopy Methods , S. Primig, F. Theska, and N. Haghdadi, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys, vol. Caballero, Ed. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 203-211 , (2022)
Super Resolution for Multi-Sources Image Stream Data Using Smooth and Sparse Tensor Completion and Its Applications in Data Acquisition of Additive Manufacturing , B. Shen, R. Wang, A.C.C. Law, R. Kamath, H. Choo, and Z. Kong,Technometrics, Vol. 64(1), pp. 2-17 , (2022)
Role of scan strategies and heat treatment on grain structure evolution in Fe-Si soft magnetic alloys made by laser-powder bed fusion , M.P. Haines, F. List, K. Carver, D.N. Leonard, A. Plotkowski, C.M. Fancher, R.R. Dehoff, and S.S. BabuAdditive Manufacturing, Vol. 50, p. 102578, , (2022)
Multi-scale characterisation of microstructure and texture of 316L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion , M.S. Moyle, C. Ledermueller, Z. Zou, S. Primig, and N. Haghdadi, Vol 184, p. 111663 , (2022)
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in 2205 duplex stainless steels during additive manufacturing and heat treatment , Nima Haghdadi a, Carina Ledermueller a, Hansheng Chen b c, Zibin Chen b c d, Qian Liu e, Xiaopeng Li e, Gregory Rohrer f, Xiaozhou Liao b c, Simon Ringer b c, Sophie Primig, Vol 835, p.142695 , (2022)
Texture evolution in a CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion , X. Y. He, H. Wang, Z. G. Zhu, L. Z. Wang, J. Q. Liu, N. Haghdadi, S. M. L. Nai, J. Huang, S. Primig, S. P. Ringer & X. Z. Liao, Vol 57, p9714–9725 , (2022)
Enhancing the repassivation ability and localised corrosion resistance of an additively manufactured duplex stainless steel by post-processing heat treatment , Majid Laleh , Nima Haghdadi , Anthony E. Hughes , Sophie Primig , Mike Y.J. Tan, Vol 198, p. 110106 , (2022)
Advanced quantification of the site-occupancy in ordered multi-component intermetallics using atom probe tomography , A.J. Breen a 1, F. Theska b 1, B. Lim a, S. Primig b, S.P. Ringer, Vol 145, p. 107538 , (2022)
The segregation of transition metals to iron grain boundaries and their effects on cohesion , Han Lin Mai , Xiang-Yuan Cui , Daniel Scheiber , Lorenz Romaner , Simon P. Ringer , Vol 231, p.117902 , (2022)
A Crystallography-Mediated Reconstruction (CMR) Approach for Atom Probe Tomography: Solution for a Singleton Pole , Alec C. Day 1, Andrew J. Breen 1, Simon P. Ringer, Volume 224, p. 113262 , (2021)
Towards the Development of a Multi-Modal Community-Based AM Database , Rohan Casukhela, Sriram Vijayan, Matthew Jacobsen, James Fourman, Kayla Hepler, Meiyue Shao, Avantika Gupta, Joerg Jinschek, Vol 27, Issue S1, p. 1090–1091 , (2021)
Formation and 3D morphology of interconnected 𝛼 microstructures in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V , Ryan DeMott a, Nima Haghdadi a, Ziba Gandomkar b, Xiaozhou Liao c d, Simon Ringer c d, Sophie Primig , Vol 20, p. 101201 , (2021)
3D characterization of microstructural evolution and variant selection in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V , Ryan DeMott, Nima Haghdadi, Xiaozhou Liao, Simon P. Ringer & Sophie Primig, Volume 56, pages 14763–14782 , (2021)
Recent Developments in Femtosecond Laser-Enabled TriBeam Systems , McLean P. Echlin, Andrew T. Polonsky, James Lamb, Remco Geurts, Steven J. Randolph, Aurélien Botman & Tresa M. Pollock, Vol 73, p.4258–4269 , (2021)
On the pitting corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing in the as-built and post-processed conditions , Nima Haghdadi a, Majid Laleh b c, Hansheng Chen d, Zibin Chen d e, Carina Ledermueller a, Xiaozhou Liao d, Simon Ringer d, Sophie Primig, Vol 212, p. 110260 , (2021)
Qualification pathways for additively manufactured components for nuclear applications , C. Hensley, K. Sisco, S. Beauchamp, A. Godfrey, H. Rezayat, T. McFalls, D. Galicki , F. List III, K. Carver, C. Stover, D.W. Gandy, S.S. Babu, Vol 548, p. 152846 , (2021)
Spherical pores as ‘microstructural informants’: Understanding compositional, thermal, and mechanical gyrations in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V , Matthew J. Kenney , Katie O'Donnell , Maria J. Quintana , Peter C. Collins, Volume 198, p. 113827 , (2021)
Role of thermo-mechanical gyrations on the α/β interface stability in a Ti6Al4V AM alloy , Sabina Kumar a, Sri Ram Vijayan b, Peeyush Nandwana c, Jonathan D. Poplawsky d, Chen Yan e, Sudarsanam Suresh Babu, Volume 204, p 114134 , (2021)
Microstructure-property gradients in Ni-based superalloy (Inconel 738) additively manufactured via electron beam powder bed fusion , Bryan Lim , Hansheng Chen , Zibin Chen , Nima Haghdadi , Xiaozhou Liao , Sophie Primig , Sudarsanam Suresh Babu , Andrew J. Breen, Volume 46, p. 102121 , (2021)
An integrated manifold learning approach for high-dimensional data feature extractions and its applications to online process monitoring of additive manufacturing , Chenang Liu,Zhenyu (James) Kong,Suresh BabuORCID Icon,Chase Joslin &James Ferguson, Vol 53, p. 1215-1230 , (2020)
MAUD Rietveld Refinement Software for Neutron Diffraction Texture Studies of Single- and Dual-Phase Materials, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, , A.I. Saville, A. Creuziger, E.B. Mitchell, S.C. Vogel, J.T. Benzing, J. Klemm-Toole, K.D. Clarke, and A.J. Clarke, Vol. 10(3), pp. 461-487 , (2022)
Clustered Discriminant Regression for High-Dimensional Data Feature Extraction and Its Applications in Healthcare and Additive Manufacturing , Bo Shen , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Weijun Xie, and Zhenyu James Kong , Member, IEEE, Vol 18, No 4 , (2021)
Quantification of extreme thermal gradients during in situ transmission electron microscope heating experiments , Sriram Vijayan, Rongxuan Wang, Zhenyu Kong, Joerg R. Jinschek , (2021)
Introducing transformation twins in titanium alloys: an evolution of α-variants during additive manufacturing , H. Wang,Q. Chao,L. Yang,M. Cabral,Z. Z. Song,B. Y. Wang,S. Primig,W. Xu,Z. B. Chen,S. P. Ringer &X. Z. Liao show less , (2020)
Development of structured light 3D-scanner with high spatial resolution and its applications for additive manufacturing quality assurance , Rongxuan Wang, Andrew C. Law, David Garcia, Shuo Yang & Zhenyu Kong (James)Vol117, p 845–862 , (2021)
Additive manufacturing of steels: a review of achievements and challenges , Nima Haghdadi, Majid Laleh, Maxwell Moyle & Sophie Primig, Vol 56, p 64–107 , (2020)
Grain boundary character distribution in an additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel , Majid Laleh a b, Anthony E. Hughes b c, Mike Y. Tan a b, Gregory S. Rohrer d, Sophie Primig e, Nima Haghdadi , Vol 192, , p 115-119 , (2021)
Phase transformation pathways in Ti-6Al-4V manufactured via electron beam powder bed fusion , William J. Davids a b, Hansheng Chen a b, Keita Nomoto a b, Hao Wang a b, Sudarsanam Babu d e, Sophie Primig c, Xiaozhou Liao b, Andrew Breen a b, Simon P. Ringer , Vol 215, p 117131 , (2021)
Solidification texture, variant selection, and phase fraction in a spot-melt electron-beam powder bed fusion processed Ti-6Al-4V , Rakesh R. Kamath a, Peeyush Nandwana b, Yang Ren c, Hahn Choo, Vol 46, p 102136 , (2021)
Texture evolution as a function of scan strategy and build height in electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V , Alec I. Saville , Sven C. Vogel , Adam Creuziger , Jake T. Benzing , Adam L. Pilchak , Peeyush Nandwana , Jonah Klemm-Toole , Kester D. Clarke , S. Lee Semiatin , Amy J. Clarke , Vol 46, p 102118 , (2021)
3D electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods , R. DeMott, N. Haghdadi, C. Kong, Z. Gandomkar, M. Kenney, P. Collins, and S. Primig, Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 230, p. 113394 , (2021)
An understanding of hydrogen embrittlement in nickel grain boundaries from first principles , H.L. Mai, X.-Y. Cui, D. Scheiber, L. Romaner, and S.P. Ringer, Materials & Design, Vol. 212, p. 110283 , (2021)
Differences in defect distribution across scan strategies in electron beam AM Ti-6Al-4V , M.J.Quintana, K.O'Donnell, M.J.Kenney, P.C.Collins, Advanced Materials and Processes, 2021, 179, pp. 20-23 , (2021)
Enhanced Strength-Plasticity Combination in an Al–Cu–Mg Alloy—Atomic Scale Microstructure Regulation and Strengthening Mechanisms , Z. Chen, J. Ren, Z. Yuan, and S.P. Ringer, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 787, p. 139447 , (2020)
3D electron backscatter diffraction study of α lath morphology in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V , R. DeMott, P. Collins, C. Kong, X. Liao, S. Ringer, and S. Primig, Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 218, p. 113073 , (2020)
On the Formation of Spherical Metastable BCC Single Crystal Spatter Particles during Laser Powder Bed Fusion , D. Galicki, B.C. Chakoumakos, S.P. Ringer, M. Eizadjou, C.J. Rawn, K. Nomoto, and S.S. Babu, Materialia, Vol. 9, p. 100584 , (2020)
Five-parameter characterization of intervariant boundaries in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V , N. Haghdadi, R. DeMott, P.L. Stephenson, X.Z. Liao, S.P. Ringer, and S. Primig, Materials and Design, Vol. 196, p. 109177 , (2020)
Multimodal γ′ Precipitation in Inconel-738 Ni-Based Superalloy during Electron-Beam Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing , N. Haghdadi, E. Whitelock, B. Lim, H. Chen, X. Liao, S.S. Babu, S.P. Ringer, and S. Primig, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 55(27), pp. 13342-13350 , (2020)
Dynamic phase transformations in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V during thermo-mechanical gyrations , S. Kumar, R. Kamath, P. Nandwana, Y. Chen, and S. Babu, Materialia, Vol. 14 , (2020)
Imaging transient solidification behavior , J.T. McKeown, A.J. Clarke, and J.M.K. Wiezorek, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 45(11), pp. 916-926 , (2020)
In-Situ Monitoring for Defect Identification in Nickel Alloy Complex Geometries Fabricated by L-PBF Additive Manufacturing , J.L. McNeil, K. Sisco, C. Frederick, M. Massey, K. Carver, F. List, III, C. Qiu, M. Mader, S. Sundarraj, and S.S. Babu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 51(12), pp. 6528-6545 , (2020)
Design and Tailoring of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing, , T.M. Pollock, A.J. Clarke, and S.S. Babu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 51(12), pp. 6000-6019 , (2020)
Closing the science gap in 3D metal printing , A.T. Polonsky and T.M. Pollock, Science, Vol. 368(6491), pp. 583-584 , (2020)
Texture Analysis of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Deposited Using Different Scanning Strategies , M.J. Quintana, M.J. Kenney, P. Agrawal, and P.C. Collins, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Vol. 51(12), pp. 6574-6583 , (2020)
Towards process consistency and in-situ evaluation of porosity during laser powder bed additive manufacturing, , J. Raplee, J. Gockel, F. List, III, K. Carver, S. Foster, T. McFalls, V. Paquit, R. Rao, D.W. Gandy, and S.S. Babu, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 25(8), pp. 679-689 , (2020)
The effect of beam scan strategies on microstructural variations in Ti-6Al-4V fabricated by electron beam powder bed fusion , M. Shao, S. Vijayan, P. Nandwana, and J.R. Jinschek, Materials and Design, Vol. 196 , (2020)
Effect of scanning strategy on variant selection in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V , P.L. Stephenson, N. Haghdadi, R. DeMott, X.Z. Liao, S.P. Ringer, and S. Primig, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 36, p. 101581 , (2020)
Effect of Cyclic Rapid Thermal Loadings on the Microstructural Evolution of a CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting , H. Wang, Z.G. Zhu, H. Chen, A.G. Wang, J.Q. Liu, H.W. Liu, R.K. Zheng, S.M.L. Nai, S. Primig, S.S. Babu, S.P. Ringer, and X.Z. Liao, Acta Materialia, Vol. 196, pp. 609-625 , (2020)
In-situ synthesis of oxides by reactive process atmospheres during L-PBF of stainless steel , M.P. Haines, N.J. Peter, S.S. Babu, and E.A. Jägle, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 33, p. 101178 , (2020)
Segregation of the major alloying elements to Al3(Sc,Zr) precipitates in an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Sc–Zr alloy , 107. L. Liu, X.Y. Cui, J.T. Jiang, B. Zhang, K. Nomoto, L. Zhen, and S.P. Ringer, Materials Characterization, Vol. 157, p. 109898 , (2019)